
Verkhovna Rada unblocks the signing of the law on medical cannabis

 • 20658 переглядiв

The Verkhovna Rada has unblocked the signing of the medical cannabis law, rejecting a resolution that had previously blocked its adoption. The resolution was proposed by a group of MPs who claimed violations in the process of adopting the law.

At a meeting on Tuesday, January 16, the Verkhovna Rada unblocked the signing of the law on medical cannabis by failing to vote on a draft resolution that blocked its signing. This was reported by MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak, UNN reports.

Rada unblocks signing of the draft law on medical cannabis. The blocking resolution No. 7457-p was defeated

- Zheleznyak said.


On December 22, a group of MPs from the Batkivshchyna faction, led by Yulia Tymoshenko, introduced a draft resolution blocking the signing of the bill. In the resolution, the MPs emphasized that the draft law was adopted in violation of the Verkhovna Rada's regulations.

Історичне рішення: в МОЗ прокоментували легалізацію медичного канабісу21.12.23, 13:24

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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