
Vadym Stolar Foundation launches online course "Resilience" to support families of military personnel

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Vadym Stolar Foundation launches online course "Resilience"

As part of a psychological support project, the Vadym Stolar Foundation has launched an online course called "Resilience" aimed at supporting the families of Ukraine's defenders during the war. This is stated on the website of the organization, UNN reports.

According to representatives of the Foundation's team, long-distance relationships are a real challenge for couples separated by war.

"Superhuman trials have become a burden not only for our brave defenders, but also for those who wait for, support and inspire our soldiers: mothers, wives, children. Separation shifts priorities in relationships and adds new problems to those that already exist. Many women need emotional support to survive and not to lose their mental health from intense emotions - it is for them that we held the first online meeting within the Resilience course at the end of January," says Natalia Prykhodko, a volunteer of the Foundation.

It is also very difficult for children whose fathers are at the front. How to help them adapt to the changes and support them was discussed at the second meeting.

"The Russian occupiers have deprived our children of peace, normal sleep and the opportunity to be with their parents who went to defend the country. Instead, they filled their childhood with constant stress, fear for their lives and the lives of their relatives, and worry about their parents who are now at war. It is necessary to talk to children about this, to help them go through such terrible trials," emphasizes Yana Kobets, a speaker of the Resilience course.

According to Vadym Stolar, it is not the first time that the two main areas of the Foundation's activities have intersected in the Resilience project: assistance to the military and support for civilians.

"Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, our Foundation has been actively helping the military. We send everything they need at the front - from equipment and backpacks to drones, cars and means of fighting enemy drones. We also remember the families of our defenders. For the second year in a row, my team and I have been implementing the large-scale project "Recover" for them. And our new course "Resilience" is aimed at supporting those who are waiting for their loved ones to return from the front," says Vadym Stolar. 

If you want to join the meetings within the course, follow the announcements on the Foundation's social media:

Lilia Podolyak



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