
UN to ask donors for more than $3 billion to support Ukraine

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The UN is seeking $3.1 billion to help Ukraine amid the ongoing war and growing humanitarian needs. These funds should help 8.5 million people in 2024.

United Nations agencies will ask for $3.1 billion next week to fund assistance to Ukraine this year. This was announced by a senior humanitarian official at the UN Security Council, Reuters reports, UNN reports.


It is noted that since the war in Ukraine does not stop, which leads to a high level of humanitarian needs, financial support should be constant.

In 2024, we call on all donors to step up again and help the people of Ukraine. 

said UN official Edem Vosornu.

She added that the UN response plan for 2024, which will be presented in Geneva, aims to raise $3.1 billion to help 8.5 million people in Ukraine.

The UN has said that more than 14.6 million people, or 40% of Ukraine's population, will need humanitarian assistance this year due to Russia's full-scale invasion. The conflict has also forced some 6.3 million people to flee the border.

Four million people, including nearly a million children, remain displaced in the country, according to the UN.

40 відсотків населення України цього року потребуватимуть гуманітарної допомоги - ООН10.01.24, 10:08

Lilia Podolyak



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