
UN should step up efforts to deprive russia of military capabilities - Kyslytsia

 • 44103 переглядiв

Ukraine calls on the UN to reduce russia's military capabilities to put an end to war crimes; points to large-scale attacks on civilians as an urgent need for action.

Member states of the United Nations (UN) should step up efforts to deprive the aggressor country of its military capabilities, and force it to stop committing war crimes. Ukraine's representative to the UN, Sergiy Kyslytsya, addressed this call to the leadership of the General Assembly in an open letter in an open letter to the leadership of the General Assembly. Part of this appeal, against the backdrop of Russia's ongoing massive strikes on civilian targets in Ukraine, was published by Kyslytsya on social network X, UNN reports .

These are large-scale attacks, which have no military justification and are intended only to  terrorize the civilian population and destroy civilian infrastructure of Ukraine, show that enhanced and united efforts are needed of the UN member states are needed to deprive the aggressor of its military potential, to force aggressor to stop violating the UN Charter and return to the principles of international law. The crime of aggression, war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the Russian once again demonstrate the inadmissibility of inaction regarding Russia's illegitimate Russia's illegitimate presence in the UN Security Council.

- Kyslytsia quoted part of his letter to the leadership of the UN General Assembly.


In his official address to the leadership of the UN General Assembly, Sergey Kislytsya told in detail how many and what types of shells the Russian military fired in Ukraine on the morning of January 2. He also described the number of casualties and the destruction this massive Russian attack against Ukraine caused.

At the end of the letter, he asked that this appeal be circulated as one of the documents of the documents of the eleventh emergency special session of the General Assembly, which will be No. 5 on the agenda and among the members of the UN Security Council.


According to the Ukrainian Air Force, on January 2 January , the Russian army used 99 missiles of various types and attack drones.

Among them:

 UAVS Shahed-136/131 (all 35 were destroyed);

X-101/X-555/X-55 - at least 70 cruise missiles, the enemy used Tu-95MS bombers;

X-47M2 "Kinzhal" and MiG-31K fighters -  the enemy launched ten aeroballistic missiles aerial ballistic missiles;

Also, the occupiers attacked from the sea with three Kalibr cruise missiles;

З the north - with 12 Iskander-M/S-300/S-400 missiles;

From Su-35 tactical aircraft used four anti-radar missiles X-31P.

According to to the official information released by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valeriy Zaluzhnyi, Ukrainian defenders destroyed 10 out of 10 X-47M2 "Kinzhal, 59 out of 70 X-101/X-555/X-55 cruise missiles and three out of three Kalibr cruise missiles.

In total, according to the Interior Ministry, 127 people were injured  and 5 were killed.

Tatiana Salganik



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