Ukrainian Telegram channels are actively spreading fakes about the creation of "official" notification pages about power outage schedules, in particular in Kyiv and Kyiv region. This was warned by NPC Ukrenergo, UNN reports.
The company emphasizes that the information about the alleged outage schedules is another manipulation on a sensitive topic.
Please do not follow the links provided in such posts. The data requested during registration on such telegram channels can be used by fraudsters for their own dishonest purposes
Power engineers emphasize that today NPC Ukrenergo and Kyiv Digital have launched a system for informing about the state of the power system.
For up-to-date information on outage schedules in the capital, go there.
In addition, the company said that NPC Ukrenergo is also working on an application where residents of all regions of Ukraine will be able to get information about the state of the power system, the likelihood of blackouts and plan rational electricity consumption during the day.
Please do not be deceived, always check the information on the official websites of NPC Ukrenergo, the Ministry of Energy and your regional power distribution companies
Новий фейк: в "Укренерго" заперечили "зональні" відключення світла в Україні 04.07.24, 15:58