
Ukrainians who suffered from russian crimes speak in Davos - Kostin

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Ukrainian victims of war crimes committed by russian slaughterhouses spoke about them at a security meeting, calling for the punishment of russian criminals.

Today, at the fourth meeting of national security advisers on the Ukrainian Peace Formula, Ukrainians who suffered from war crimes in russia told their stories. This was announced by Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin during a telethon, UNN reports.

In Davos, the voices of Ukrainians who suffered from russia's war crimes were heard. One of them is a 16-year-old boy from Bucha. The russian military killed his father in front of him. A girl, a nurse from Kyiv region, who was sexually abused by a russian soldier, also spoke. They told their stories and demanded fair punishment for the russian military who committed these crimes and those who gave the criminal orders, including the highest leadership of the aggressor country

- Andriy Kostin said.


According to the Prosecutor General, despite the fact that the war has been going on for almost two years and 120,000 enemy war crimes have been documented, "the stories of people who have survived it still shock both our partners and ourselves.

Cases concerning many crimes committed by the russian occupiers are being heard in Ukrainian courts. So far, the invaders have already received 77 sentences.

Kostin also spoke about the comprehensive accountability network that is being developed to ensure that russia is punished for all its international crimes.

It consists of 5 key components: ensuring effective investigation at the national level, ensuring accountability for the crime of aggression, strategic partnership with institutions in the field of international law, cooperation with partner countries, and ensuring that russia pays compensation to Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.

Зеленський зустрівся з парламентарями Литви: обговорили підтримку вступу України до НАТО та відповідальність рф за воєнні злочини10.01.24, 19:55

Anna Onishchenko



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