
Ukrainian language textbooks used an icon of Ukraine without Crimea: author explains mistake

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The author of the 7th grade Ukrainian language textbook explained the mistake with the image of Ukraine without Crimea. She proposed a flash mob called “Draw Crimea” to correct the situation and discuss the importance of the topic.

The 7th grade Ukrainian language textbooks used the icon of Ukraine without Crimea. According to the author of the book, Anastasia Onatiy, this was due to a technical error. She suggested launching a flash mob “Draw Crimea” because the error cannot be corrected in the printed textbooks. The author wrote about this on Facebook, UNN reports

Reportedly, there was a technical error on the page of the textbook “Ukrainian Language. 7th grade” was a technical error.  According to the author of the book, the icon in the form of Ukraine without Crimea got into the book due to inattention. 

We sincerely recognize our oversight, and the icon in the shape of Ukraine without Crimea was included in the book due to an unfortunate inattention. We didn't check it, we didn't look after it - we can call it differently, but the fact remains that we unknowingly hurt people and we apologize for that

- The author wrote. 

Лісовий про розділ в підручниках з історії про війну рф проти України: він є, проходить експертизу26.08.24, 16:15

She said that it turns out that “convenient” maps of Ukraine with two “layers” of images are now posted on the drains -  with and without Crimea.  She also pointed out that there are at least 3 references to Ukrainian Crimea in the textbook. 

To correct the mistake, the author suggested  launching a flash mob called “Draw Crimea”.

“Fellow educators, please take 10-15 minutes in class to discuss this mistake with your students and draw the icon in the textbook on page 3. Please support us - it will be a good opportunity to talk about Crimea and its Ukrainianness. And also, of course, about information traps and the importance of recognizing our own mistakes,” she urged. 

You can read how it happened technically in and the explanation from the layout designers. 

Податися на грант для навчання у виші можна буде пізніше, процедуру спрощують - МОН05.09.24, 17:40

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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