
Ukrainian currency bonds rise after U.S. House approves bailout package - Bloomberg

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Ukraine's foreign currency bonds rose after the US House of Representatives approved a $61 billion aid package for Ukraine.

Ukraine's foreign currency bonds rose after the US House of Representatives approved a $61 billion financial aid package over the weekend. This was reported by Bloomberg, according to UNN.


It is noted that bonds maturing in 2026, which last week fell to their lowest level in a month, rose by 0.9 cents to more than 33 cents in early trading in London, showing the best performance among dollar-denominated bonds of developing countries.

According to the newspaper, a group of Ukrainian debt holders has previously selected PJT Partners Inc. as its financial advisor ahead of a potential restructuring. Payments on the country's outstanding $20 billion in international bonds were suspended two years ago after Russia's invasion.


The US House of Representatives has approved a $60 billion defense aid bill for Ukraine, with 310 congressmen voting in favor. Next, the bill will be passed to the Senate, after which President Joe Biden will sign it.


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