
Ukraine uses artificial intelligence drones to strike russian refineries - CNN

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Ukraine has begun using artificial intelligence drones to bypass russian air defenses and precisely target russian energy facilities such as oil refineries, dealing a blow to russia's military economy.

During the attack on russian energy facilities, Ukraine began using artificial intelligence drones to help bypass air defense and electronic warfare systems, CNN reports, citing its own sources close to the Ukrainian drone program, UNN reports.


It is noted that Ukrainian drones successfully reach Moscow, Ryazan and other russian cities where large russian oil refineries are located. russian air defense cannot cope, so the attacks are increasingly successful.

Зможуть протистояти РЕБ та самі визначати маршрут: у Мінцифри розповіли, які наземні дрони розробляються для ЗСУ14.03.24, 15:55

Analysts emphasize that these attacks deal a blow to russia's huge oil and gas industry, which, despite Western import bans and price caps, remains the largest source of revenue for Moscow's military economy.

The attacks have been made possible by the use of drones with longer range and enhanced capabilities, some of which have even begun to integrate a basic form of artificial intelligence to help them navigate and avoid obstacles  

- CNN source reports.

The journalists explained that the UAV's sensors ensure accurate strikes on the refinery. The drone has developed "machine vision," which is a form of AI . The drone has actually been taught to determine the geography and target it is heading for.  

The accuracy of jamming is ensured by the use of artificial intelligence. Each UAV has a terminal computer with satellite and terrain data. Flights are coordinated in advance with our allies, and the drones follow the flight plan so that we can hit targets with meter accuracy

- explains a CNN source close to Ukraine's drone program.


Noah Sylvia, an analyst at the Royal United Services Institute, a British think tank, noted that such UAVs do not need to communicate with satellites because they are fully autonomous.

Україна збільшила виробництво дронів, що вражають цілі за 1000 км — Федоров в інтерв'ю Welt01.04.24, 23:09

At the same time, Chris Lincoln-Jones, a former British military officer, emphasized that the level of "intelligence" of drones is still very low.

This level of autonomy has never been seen in drones before, but we are still in the early stages of the potential of this technology

- said the former military officer in a commentary to CNN.

The publication adds that the Ministry of Defense and the Security Service of Ukraine refused to comment on the information about AI drones.


In an interview with Welt, Digital Transformation Minister Mykhailo Fedorov said that Ukraine is testing artificial intelligence drone technology. According to him, the first such prototypes may appear on the battlefield by the end of the year.


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