
Ukraine manages to rescue 10 more children from occupation

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Another 10 Ukrainian children, including a 9-month-old baby, were rescued from the Russian occupation by the Save the Children Foundation, bringing the total number of returned children to 345.

Another 10 Ukrainian children have been rescued from the occupation, the youngest child is 9 months old. This was reported by the founder of the "Save Ukraine" foundation Mykola Kuleba, UNN reports.

"Today Save Ukraine rescued 10 more children from the occupation, including 7 from a large family. The youngest child is 9 months old. To date, we have returned 345 children to Ukraine," Kuleba said.

According to him, "it was not an easy task, as the youngest child was born under occupation, and the documents issued by the occupation authorities are invalid in Ukraine.

"We were able to produce new documents and found a way to transfer them to the TOT, which was a challenge not only because of heavy shelling and communication interruptions, but also because of the risk of being exposed," added the founder of the Save Ukraine Foundation.

In addition, the family had to overcome 2.5 kilometers of humanitarian corridor on foot.

"This transition was very difficult for them: the kids were crying, nervous, and their grandmother, whose health had deteriorated sharply, had to be taken in a wheelchair," Kuleba summarized.

13 українських дітей повернулися додому з російської окупації - Лубінець23.05.24, 18:53

Antonina Tumanova



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