
Ukraine expects to receive at least 5 mine countermeasures ships

 • 20158 переглядiв

The crews of two mine countermeasures ships provided by the United Kingdom have already been trained and are on duty, and three more ships from the Netherlands and Belgium are expected to arrive, giving Ukraine at least five mine countermeasures ships in total.

The crews of two minehunters provided by the UK to Ukraine have already been trained and are on duty, and 3 more ships from the Netherlands and Belgium are expected. This was announced by the spokesman for the Ukrainian Navy Dmytro Pletenchuk during a telethon, according to a correspondent of UNN .

The crews (of the Chernihiv and Cherkasy minesweepers - ed.) have been trained and are already on duty. Last year, they received a Level I compatibility assessment with NATO countries. This year, we hope to receive the highest assessment - Level II interoperability, which will allow us to work, perform tasks, as part of orders, which means full interoperability

- Pletenchuk says.

According to him, the crews already know their duties and their work. He also commented on the situation regarding the expectation of the transfer of ships to Ukraine.

Three more ships are being prepared for transfer from the Netherlands and Belgium to Ukraine. They are currently being prepared, and the crews are starting to undergo training. That is, in total, we plan to receive at least five ships that are mine countermeasures

- Pletenchuk said.


The Ukrainian warships Cherkasy and Chernihiv, transferred to Ukraine by the UK, are preparing to participate in the Sea Breeze 2024 international exercises with NATO countries.


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