
Two juveniles detained in Dnipropetrovs'k region for setting fire to cars of a military man and a volunteer

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A 17-year-old boy and girl were detained in Kamianske for setting two cars on fire. The suspects face up to 10 years in prison, and law enforcement is checking the version of the order from the Russian special services.

In the Dnipro region, law enforcement officers detained a 17-year-old boy and a girl suspected of setting two cars on fire. This was stated by the National Police of Ukraine, reports UNN.


Law enforcement officers conducted a series of investigative and operational measures and identified the persons involved in the arsons. They were a 17-year-old boy and a girl, residents of Kamianske.

On the eve of committing the crimes, they bought flammable substances in stores and set fire to military vehicles at night.

The two minors were served notices of suspicion under Part 2 Article 27, Part 2 Article 28, Part 2 Article 194 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (intentional damage to another's property committed by a group of persons). They face up to ten years in prison. The investigation is ongoing. Law enforcers are identifying the customers of the crime and checking the version that the arsons were ordered by Russian special services

- the National Police said.

Підпалив автівку українського військовослужбовця: у Харкові затримали молодика30.07.24, 10:57

The investigation established that the suspects were responsible for setting fire to two cars belonging to an active serviceman and a volunteer.

It is noted that the crimes occurred on June 26 and July 4 in the city of Kamianske. As a result of the criminal actions of the suspects, fire damaged the front of the cars - the engine compartment, hood and headlights.

Material evidence was seized from the crime scenes and a number of forensic examinations were conducted.


The SBU detained a repeat offenderwho set fire to an Armed Forces pickup truck in Rivne on the order of the Russian Federation. The offender was planning new arsons and filming videos for Russian information operations.


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