
Tusk plans to discuss with EU leaders the need to "more or less" return to pre-war principles of trade with Ukraine

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Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk plans to discuss with European leaders the need to return to pre-war principles of trade with Ukraine and other countries to protect European and Polish markets and producers, as well as to express concerns about the EU's Green Deal policy and its impact on Polish farmers.

During his visit to Bucharest, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk is going to discuss with European leaders the need to return to some extent to the principles that were in place in trade with Ukraine and other countries before the war. He said this during a press conference on Thursday, UNN reports.

I will reiterate during my talks in Bucharest with the heads of European institutions, prime ministers and presidents that changes are needed to protect European and Polish markets and producers. By changes, I mean the need to more or less return to the principles that were in place in trade with Ukraine and other countries before the war

- Tusk said, who is quoted by the press service of the Polish government.

The Polish prime minister, who is traveling to Romania for the European People's Party (EPP) congress, is also going to Bucharest to talk about the EU's Green Deal policy and "the inconveniences faced by European farmers, including Polish ones.

"We are trying to get solutions that will allow Polish farmers to breathe a sigh of relief when it comes to the strictest rules and new regulations under the Green Deal," Tusk said.

Also, according to PAP, Tusk announced on Saturday "an important announcement on the Green Deal at a meeting with farmers.

"I am convinced that on Saturday, at the meeting with farmers, I will have something serious to announce when it comes to the Green Deal, including the accompanying regulations," Tusk said.

"I really want to 'complete' what is possible with the Green Deal," he emphasized.

He added that he wants to talk about how to effectively change the provisions of the Green Deal so that Polish farmers do not feel offended by these provisions. He noted that it is also about regulating trade with Ukraine to protect Polish producers from "unequal competition." In his opinion, "we are seriously progressing in the negotiations".

"I will not talk to hooligans, I will only talk to farmers," Tusk said.

The Polish Prime Minister said that on Saturday he will inform the farmers' representatives that he is not interested in a symbolic action. "I want Poland to change European policy where necessary to make Polish farmers feel safer," he emphasized.

"I have reason to believe that we will largely be able to get results that should satisfy Polish farmers as well," said the head of the Polish government.


Polish farmers have been blocking six checkpoints on the border with Ukraine since early February. The protesters oppose the EU's Green Deal policy and trade liberalization with Ukraine. Polish farmers express dissatisfaction with the impact of cheap food imports from Ukraine.

Julia Shramko



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