
Trump on helping Ukraine: "If Europe is not going to pay, why should we"

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Former US President Donald Trump has criticized the EU for providing less financial assistance to Ukraine than the United States. Trump argues that Europe should contribute more, given its geographical proximity to Ukraine.

Former US President Donald Trump said that the United States has provided more financial assistance to Ukraine than the European Union, although it should be the other way around.  Trump said this in an interview with the American Time magazine, UNN reports


Under US President John Biden and a bipartisan Congress, the US has sent more than $100 billion to Ukraine to protect it. It is unlikely that Trump will provide the same support to Kyiv, Time writes. 

The publication recalls that after Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban  visited the United States in March, he said that Trump "will not give Ukraine a single penny." 

"I won't until Europe starts to level the playing field," Trump cautiously said in an interview with Time.

Trump also added that  "if Europe is not going to pay, why should we? They are suffering much more. We have an ocean between us. They don't." 

According to the publication, the EU countries have also allocated more than $100 billion in aid to Ukraine.

Кулеба: готуватись до того, що Трамп може стати президентом - немає сенсу15.04.24, 12:32

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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