
"Trend to increase transshipment volumes": OPP on the results of its work within the framework of the grain initiative in 2024

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Odessa Portside plant has shown a clear trend towards increasing grain transshipment volumes by sea, shipping more than 520,000 tons in the first 5 months of 2024.

Odessa Portside plant joined the grain initiative at the end of 2022 and during this time demonstrated a clear trend of increasing the volume of grain transshipment for sea transport. In " opz " in an exclusive comment UNN told  about the results of their work for 5 months of 2024.

Recently, the Ministry of community development of territories and infrastructure of Ukraine reportedthat in 9 months the Ukrainian sea corridor  exported 50 million tons of cargo from the ports of Greater Odessa. The ministry noted that, despite the constant attacks of Russians, Ukrainian port workers managed to process 1,737 vessels.

A significant contribution to the work of the grain corridor was made by enterprises located in the waters of the Yuzhny Commercial Sea port. Thus, during 2023, 10.4 million tons of grain were shipped from the port's berths to ships and sent by sea to their destinations. And for 5 months of 2024, this figure is already 5.7 million tons.

Each of the port operators, including the Odessa Portside plant, has become an effective fighter of the country's economic front during this difficult time for the state.

As reported in" OPP " in the commentary UNN, there is a clear trend of increasing the volume of work of the enterprise on grain transshipment for sea transport. Thanks to the improvement of the system of unloading and loading operations, the company regularly increases the number of vessels loaded with grain crops sent and, accordingly, the tonnage of products.

"If in 2023 the company shipped almost 293.5 thousand tons, then for 5 months of 2024 this figure is more than 520 thousand tons," OPP noted.

In addition, the trends of increasing the number of grain loads of opz JSC for sea transport by month are striking. So, in March 2024, the plant  shipped  more than 80 thousand tons, and in April and May of this year  - 140 and 193 thousand tons, respectively.

"Одеський припортовий завод" відіграє важливу роль у роботі зернового коридору - нардепи30.05.24, 11:59


The commercial structure of Olsides Black Sea tried to use the road on the balance sheet of OPP to transport vegetable oil to the berths in the Port of Yuzhny. The company did not provide the necessary package of documents for obtaining the appropriate permit to travel this way, but instead began to use it without permission.

During the unauthorized use of the specified road, the company destroyed the road surface with its trucks.

Lilia Podolyak



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