
Traitors who adjusted shelling in Kharkiv and Donetsk region will spend 8 and 10 years behind bars

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Two russian informants were convicted of passing on the coordinates and technical condition of power substations in Kharkiv and Sloviansk, which led to missile and artillery strikes on these regions.

russian informants who corrected the shelling of power substations in Kharkiv and Sloviansk received prison terms of 8 and 10 years. This was reported by the SBU, UNN reports.


Among the convicts is an informant who passed intelligence on the geolocation and technical condition of Kharkiv's power generating enterprises to the aggressor.

Another offender sent the russian special services the coordinates of the existing energy infrastructure facilities in Sloviansk.

At the direction of their accomplices, the russian occupiers carried out rocket and artillery strikes on the infrastructure of the frontline regions. First and foremost, these are social institutions and local energy facilities, including power substations.

Based on the evidence collected, the court found both offenders guilty. Taking into account the cooperation with the investigation, the court sentenced one of them to 10 years in prison and the other to 8 years in prison.

Колаборатну, що організував трансляцію телеканалів рф під час окупації Харківщини, загрожує до 12 років ув’язнення24.01.24, 15:43

Anna Onishchenko

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