
There are no alarm bells for Kharkiv residents: Fitio on possible russian offensive on Kharkiv

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The Ukrainian military says that there is no immediate threat to Kharkiv, and that reports of a russian offensive are unfounded.

The enemy has no success in the Kupyansk direction, the Defense Forces are in active defense, so Kharkiv residents should not worry about a possible russian offensive on the city. This was stated by the head of the public relations service of the Land Forces Command, Lieutenant Colonel Volodymyr Fitio, during a telethon, UNN reports .

We can see that the enemy is having no success in the Kupyansk sector, our defenders are on the defensive. They are trying to improve their tactical position at the best opportunity and are moving to offensive actions. Therefore, Kharkiv residents can be calm

- Fitzhugh said.

He said that foreign media reports that the russians may be advancing on Kharkiv fit in with russia's general intentions to seize more territory in Ukraine, which has long been known. The spokesman noted that the situation is under control.

We understand the intentions of the racists ourselves - it's Kharkiv, Poltava, Kyiv, the whole of Ukraine. But at the moment there are no alarm bells for Kharkiv residents

- Mr. Fitzhugh emphasized.


Recently, The Telegraph reported, citing its own sources, that Ukraine is likely preparing to resume a russian offensive near Kharkiv. The article mentioned January 15 as a possible date for the start of a new offensive. However, Fitzhugh reportedthat the Telegraph's information about russian preparations  for a new offensive on Kharkiv and the region was not true.

ISW also reported on the potential intensification of russian efforts to capture Kupyansk.

The head of the KHOV Oleh Syniehubov stated that there is no accumulation of enemy troops near Kharkiv region, which indicates that the enemy is not currently preparing for a second offensive in this area. However, the situation can change at any time.

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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