
The winner of the prestigious Japanese literary award admitted that part of the novel was written by ChatGPT

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Rie Kudan, winner of the Akutagawa Prize for Literature, admitted that part of her novel, which won the literary competition, was written by ChatGPT.

In Japan, the winner of the Akutagawa Prize for Literature, Rie Kudan, admitted that she used ChatGPT while writing her novel. This was reported by the Daily Mail , UNN .


The jury called Rie Kudan's futuristic novel Tokyo-to Dojo-to "almost flawless." 

However, as the author herself admitted, the neural network wrote about 5% of the text. On stage at the Akutagawa Prize award ceremony, Kudan admitted that she "used ChatGPT extensively in writing the novel" and that it helped her "unlock its potential." 

ШІ може вплинути на майже 40 відсотків робочих місць по всьому світі - МВФ15.01.24, 14:36

I would say that about five percent of the book quotes sentences created by AI verbatim

- said Akutagawa Prize winner Rie Kudan.

She also added that her "conversations" with ChatGPT sometimes inspired her dialogues in her novel.

Instead, Rie Kudan admitted that she "often plays" with the neural network. In particular, she trusts it with her secrets that she "would never be able to tell anyone else.

For reference

The Akutagawa Prize  is a Japanese literary award given twice a year. Due to its prestige and the considerable media attention the winner receives, it is one of the most popular literary awards in Japan.


Researchers at Mohammed bin Zayed University have developed an artificial intelligence that can convincingly imitate human handwriting in English and French. 

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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