
Polish Foreign Ministry distanced itself from Sikorski's words about shooting down missiles

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A Polish Foreign Ministry spokesman said that Sikorski's words about shooting down Russian missiles were a personal opinion, not the government's position. NATO called on allies to consult to prevent escalation.

The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has distanced itself from the words of its head Radoslaw Sikorski about shooting down missiles over the territory of Ukraine, Polish Radio reports, UNN writes.


Radoslaw Sikorski's words about shooting down Russian missiles "are not the government's position, but the minister's personal opinion," Polish Foreign Ministry spokesman Pawel Wronski said.

The Polish Foreign Ministry spokesperson also emphasized that the ability to shoot down missiles should be "an element of the assessment of the Polish military and this applies to each specific case.

NATO was also concerned about Sikorsky's words. "We recognize the right of each ally to defend its own airspace, but allies must continue to consult closely with the Alliance to prevent escalation," NATO headquarters emphasized.

У НАТО відреагували на заяву Польщі про необхідність збиття ракет над Україною02.09.24, 16:36


Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski said in an interview with the British daily Financial Times that "Poland and other countries bordering Ukraine are obliged to shoot down Russian missiles before they enter their airspace.

Сікорський вважає, що Польща має збивати російські ракети ще до їхнього входження у повітряний простір країни02.09.24, 14:04

Julia Shramko



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