
The parliament adopted a bill on preschool education: what will change for children and parents

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Parliament has passed a bill that expands the rights of parents and improves the working conditions of preschool teachers, including longer annual leave and reduced workload.

The Verkhovna Rada adopted in the second reading the draft law  "on preschool education" (No. 8030), which will improve working conditions for educators and expand the rights of parents. This is reported by UNN with reference to the press service of the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine. 

Among the main changes for educators:

  • annual leave of 56 calendar days for all teaching staff;
  • reducing the workload for educators, physical education instructors, psychologists, social educators, teaching assistants, methodologists;
  • possibility of setting higher official salaries, surcharges and allowances.

For parents , the document provides: 

  • the right to territorial accessibility of preschool institutions, which will be provided by executive authorities and local self-government bodies;
  • the right to form an individual educational trajectory for the child;
  • the right to choose the form of pre-school education;
  • the right to pedagogical support.

For kindergartens, the bill provides for: 

  • advanced forms of Education: full-time, network, distance learning;
  • new types: mobile, family, mini kindergarten, pedagogical Partnership Center;
  • normalized use of educational and partial programs;
  • a clear procedure for enrolling children on a territorial basis.

For founders of pre-school education institutions and government agencies:

  • the obligation to provide teachers with Game, didactic, material and technical resources;
  • responsibility for territorial accessibility of Education;
  • establishment of surcharges for exceeding the norm of children in the group;
  • special conditions for the liquidation of kindergartens in rural areas and special kindergartens.

Among other important changes is that the document defines the key terms of preschool education; sets conditions for the appointment and term of work of the head; normalizes the format of the pedagogical Council; writes out the conditions for institutional audit.

The law comes into force on the day following the day of its publication.

Рада ухвалила законопроєкт щодо захисту дітей від булінгу не лише у школі06.06.24, 13:41


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