
The NACP calls on the Rada to finalize the draft law on fair lobbying

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The National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NAPC) calls on MPs to finalize the draft law "On Fair Lobbying" in accordance with international standards.

The National Agency calls on MPs to finalize the draft law "On Fair Lobbying" to make it comply with international standards. This was reported by UNN with reference to the NACP.


The agency said that a regular meeting of the working group of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Legal Policy was held today, January 24 . During the meeting, the draft Law "On Fair Lobbying" (Reg. No. 10337) was discussed.

The NACP emphasized that MPs can submit amendments to the draft law by the end of today. 

The National Agency calls on MPs to finalize the draft law in order to adopt a balanced and effective law that will meet the best international practices and standards. Together, we must achieve our goal of building a system of transparent and virtuous influence and overcoming corruption in Ukraine

- said Anastasiia Zernova, Head of the Department for Organization of Work with Stakeholders and Ensuring Adoption of Anti-Corruption Policy Acts of the NACP.


The NACP reminded that since 2022, the agency has developed legislative proposals and an expert base, as well as analyzed the best international practices for the formation of an institution of fair lobbying in Ukraine.

Повернення обов’язкового декларування: у НАЗК розповіли, чи стали чиновники активніше подавати е-декларації21.12.23, 15:19

It is noted that in accordance with clause 3 of the Action Plan to prevent the abuse of undue influence by persons with significant economic and political weight in public life (oligarchs), the NACP is responsible for developing and supporting the draft law on lobbying in the Verkhovna Rada.

Legislative regulation of lobbying is envisaged by the State Anti-Corruption Program for 2023-2025, recommendations of the GRECO Group of States against Corruption and the European Commission.

- emphasized in NACP

The agency also emphasized that the adoption of a law to regulate lobbying becomes especially important in the context of Ukraine's post-war recovery, especially when foreign investment is coming in to rebuild. 


On January 10 , the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine passed in the first reading a draft law on fair lobbying, which is important for the EU membership negotiations. The law is aimed at ensuring transparency of lobbying activities.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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