
The Ministry of Defense has simplified the write-off of first aid kits in the army

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The Minister of Defense of Ukraine has signed an order to simplify the process of writing off military medical equipment from 20 steps to six and three documents. This change is intended to speed up the replenishment of first aid kits for military units.

Defense Minister Rustem Umerov signed an order introducing a simplified procedure for writing off military medical equipment (first aid kits, bags and backpacks). This document will simplify the write-off of used property to three documents and six stages, instead of the 20 that were in effect until now. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Defense, according to UNN.

The absence of an effective system for writing off medical property was a huge problem, and it is long overdue. Military units have not been able to quickly write off used pharmacies could not quickly write off used first aid kits and receive new ones: the process took months and involved 20 stages. months and involved 20 stages. After our reform, there are six stages and three documents that can be done very quickly. 

- said Deputy Minister of Defense Natalia Kalmykova.


The Ministry said that previously, first aid kits, bags and backpacks used to be considered inventory. Therefore, its write-off was extremely complicated and sometimes impossible. Due to the inability to write off old first aid kits military units could not order new ones. After all, according to documents, the balance sheet of of the military units were fully stocked. From now on, the supply of new of new first aid kits to military units should speed up.

How the new write-off procedure will work :

From now on, a serviceman who loses or uses a first aid kit, bag or backpack during combat or while performing other tasks must report this orally or in writing to his/her unit commander.

The commander then draws up a report and attaches an extract from the the combat log or the final combat report.

These documents are submitted to the unit commander, who appoints a a commission that draws up a write-off certificate (Annex 4 to the Procedure for Write-Off of Military property in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the State Special Transport Service). (paragraph 5 of Section I), after which the unit commander signs the act, and the financial service writes off the specified medical property.

Procurement reform, contracting and recruiting: the Ministry of Defense provided details of the meeting of the Ukrainian delegation with Blinken07.12.23, 15:48 - [views_0]

Tatiana Salganik



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