
The decision on Ukraine's participation in the Olympic Games has not yet been finalized - Bidnyi

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Ukraine has not yet made a final decision on its participation in the Olympic Games. This was announced by the head of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine Matviy Bidnyi, who said that the decision will be made in accordance with national interests, UNN reports.

All decisions, of course, will be made when we understand all the positions we are in. And in any case, we will proceed from our national interest. There are different arguments. And we will take each of them into account

- Poor said.


According to the minister, if the IOC allows representatives of terrorist Russia to participate in the competition, Ukraine will probably refuse to participate.

"If they are accepted as full participants in the sports movement, how can we afford to participate in it?" the head of the Ministry of Youth and Sports asks a rhetorical question.

Matviy Bidnyi also emphasized the importance of initiatives aimed at strengthening Ukraine's position in international sports structures. In particular, because this is the key to effective international sports diplomacy.


On December 8, the Executive Committee of the International Olympic Committee allowed athletes from Russia and Belarus to participate in the 2024 Olympic Games in neutral status. 

Латвія закликає уряд Франції не допускати росіян та білорусів на Олімпіаду-2024 в Парижі15.01.24, 17:29

Anna Onishchenko



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