
Terrorists wanted to ram Cologne Cathedral with a car with explosives - media

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ISIS terrorists planned an attack on the cathedral

Terrorists planned to carry out a terrorist attack in Germany by ramming a car with explosives into the Cologne Cathedral, reports BILD, UNNwrites.


According to the newspaper, terrorists of the Islamic State in Khorasan (an offshoot of ISIS) planned to carry out a terrorist attack at a "Christmas event with high-ranking politicians." 

"On New Year's Eve, a suicide bomber was supposed to drive a car with explosives into Cologne Cathedral. At the same time, a similar attack was planned for St. Stephen's Cathedral in the center of Vienna," the newspaper writes.

According to the newspaper, "German security forces are concerned that they cannot find explosives, weapons, or terrorist vehicles.

It is noted that shortly before Christmas, 30-year-old terrorist Muhammad Razhab from Tajikistan, who was planning a series of terrorist attacks across Europe, was detained in Germany. Before the arrest, the man managed to delete all information from his phone.


At the end of December, several people were arrested in Austria and Germany, suspected of preparing terrorist attacks in cathedrals in Cologne, Vienna and Madrid, which were allegedly backed by an Islamist terrorist cell.

Pavlo Bashynskyi

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