
Teachers from distant regions of the russian Federation, who do not even speak russian well, are brought to the occupied Zaporizhzhia region - Fedorov

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Due to the lack of local teachers, who massively refuse to work in the occupation, Russians bring teachers from remote regions of the russian federation who do not speak Russian well.

Because teachers in the temporarily occupied territory of Zaporizhzhia region did not agree to teach in the occupation schools, russians are bringing in teachers en masse from various remote regions of russia. Even people who do not speak russian well come. The head of the Zaporizhzhia RMA Ivan Fedorov said this during a telethon, according to a correspondent of UNN.

Because our residents did not agree to work, the enemy is bringing in their teachers en masse. They work mostly on a rotational basis. They come to the temporarily occupied territories for a month, two months at most. They come from different remote regions of russia. Even people who do not speak Russian well, let alone Ukrainian, come and try to teach something 

- Fedorov said.

He added that propaganda has become the basis of teaching in schools in the temporarily occupied territories. Children are told a false story, taught to respect the russian occupiers, trained for conscription, to fly drones, and agitated to join their public organizations.


The occupiers appoint unqualified personnel such as laboratory assistants and cleaners as directors of educational institutions in the temporarily occupied territories due to the lack of qualified teachers willing to work there.

Школи 6 прифронтових областей України забезпечать гаджетами з унікальним контентом вивчення української мови05.04.24, 14:45

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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