
Summer in Kyiv was the second hottest in almost a century and a half

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The average summer temperature in Kyiv in 2024 was +23.0°C, which is 2.6°C above normal. This is the second warmest summer since 1881, with 18 temperature records set and 107% of the normal rainfall.

The summer of 2024 was the second warmest in Kyiv since 1881, with 18 temperature records set, the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory reported on Tuesday, UNN reports.


According to the observations of the Observatory's weather station, the average air temperature in Kyiv this summer was +23.0°C, which is 2.6°C above the climate norm and ensured the second position after the summer of 2010 (23.7°C) among the warmest in the capital since 1881. The largest positive deviation from the climatic norm was in July (3.0℃).

The coldest day was August 14, when the temperature dropped to +13.4°C in the morning, and the hottest and record-breaking day was July 16, when the temperature rose to +36.0°C in the afternoon.

"Over the summer, 18 temperature records were set, 14 of them in July and the rest in August," the report said.

The amount of precipitation over the summer on Nauky Avenue was 211 mm, or 107% of the long-term average. Most of it fell in June - almost two monthly norms.

Один з найсухіших серпнів: минулого місяця в києві зафіксували чотири температурні рекорди 02.09.24, 14:46

Julia Shramko



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