
Strongest solar storm since 2003 hits Earth, causing aurorae

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Earth experienced the strongest solar storm since 2003, causing spectacular auroras.

The Earth faced the strongest solar storm since 2003. This activity was accompanied by spectacular displays of the aurora borealis. This is reported by the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center, UNN reports.


According to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the Earth has experienced the strongest solar storm since 2003. This large-scale natural phenomenon has threatened power grids, satellite systems, and on-orbit observations.

According to NOAA, geomagnetic storms may continue over the next weekend.

The strong solar activity also caused spectacular displays of the aurora borealis seen in the sky in some regions.

It is worth noting that a geomagnetic storm can cause temporary interference with satellite communications and electricity.

Дослідники розшифрували стародавній китайський текст, який описує полярне сяйво01.01.23, 14:14 • [views_775065]

Julia Kotvitskaya

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