
Sri Lanka imposes a moratorium on foreign research vessels in its territorial waters

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Sri Lanka halts foreign research vessels for a year to increase local expertise amid India's concerns about Chinese vessels.

Sri Lanka has announced a moratorium on foreign research vessels entering its territorial waters for a year. This was reported by the Associated Press, UNN reports.


Sri Lankan Foreign Ministry spokesperson Niluka Kadurugamuwa said that the moratorium applies to all countries and will allow local researchers to build capacity on a par with foreign colleagues in joint research.

Nevertheless, the ban is seen as a response to growing concerns in India about the activities of Chinese research vessels.


In October last year, the Chinese research vessel Shi Yan 6 docked in the port of Colombo in Sri Lanka to conduct research and reconnaissance activities. India had concerns that these vessels could be used to monitor the region.

Поблизу Сомалі пірати намагались викрасити судно Ліберії: корабель перехопили ВМС Індії05.01.24, 16:45


China and India have tense relations following clashes in 2020 between troops on the Himalayan border. The conflict resulted in deaths of at least 20 Indian and four Chinese soldiers.

Два китайські кораблі стежили за кораблями Філіппін і США - філіппінські військові04.01.24, 16:53

Anna Onishchenko

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