
Special regime at the border: the SBGS explained who does not need to obtain a permit to stay in the border zone

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Currently, Ukraine requires a special permit to enter the border zone, but locals, tourists, and some drivers are exempt.

Recently, a special permit has been required to stay in the border area, but some categories of people do not need to obtain such a permit. This was stated by the spokesperson for the State Border Guard Service, Andriy Demchenko, during a national telethon, UNN reports .

According to the law, the border strip does not include settlements and places of mass recreation. And it should be understood that such permits do not need to be obtained by people traveling to cross the border, drivers of trucks engaged in modal transportation, and if the movement of people begins and ends outside the border strip. That is, the road actually passes through the border strip, but they are forced to follow it... This applies to the entire length of the Ukrainian border

- Andriy Demchenko explained.


On December 15, it was reported that the government  had amended the resolution "On Border Regime". Therefore, to stay in the border zone, it is now necessary to have a permit from the State Border Guard Service. 

The amendments provide for restrictions on the free entry, stay, residence, work and movement of persons in the border zone. This is a 5 kilometer wide area from the state border line.

Намагався перетнути кордон: у річці Тиса ледь не потонув ухилянт10.01.24, 14:58

Anna Onishchenko



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