
Since April 11, an extraordinary level of fire danger has been declared almost throughout Ukraine

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Due to the significant warming on April 11-13, an extraordinary level of fire danger is expected across almost the entire territory of Ukraine, except for the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Zakarpattia, Volyn, Rivne and Zhytomyr regions.

On Thursday, April 11, due to significant warming , an extraordinary level of fire danger was declared almost throughout Ukraine. This was reported by UNN with reference to the State Emergency Service.


Forecasters predict that this situation will be observed during April 11-13 in virtually all regions except Crimea, Zakarpattia, Volyn, Rivne and Zhytomyr regions

- rescuers warned. 

The State Emergency Service urged Ukrainians to be careful and follow  fire safety rules


Since the beginning of the year , more than 10 thousand fires have occurred in Ukraine in natural ecosystems and open areas, which have damaged almost 6.5 thousand hectares of land, and 1248 offenders have been brought to justice.

У столиці та області оголосили надзвичайний рівень пожежної небезпеки10.04.24, 10:16


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