
Scholz to raise concerns about Beijing's support for Moscow during visit to China - Reuters

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During his visit to China, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz will express concerns about China's support for Russia and Chinese overcapacity, while seeking to mitigate risks without separating from the Chinese economy.

During his visit to China, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz will express concern about China's support for Russia and excessive Chinese production capacity, Reuters reported on Friday, citing German officials, UNN reported.


According to officials, Germany is not seeking to separate itself from the Chinese economy, but risk mitigation is extremely important.

They also added that Germany and China have had contacts on Iran, where Beijing has influence.

"Китай має право на співпрацю з рф": у КНР закликали не перекладати провину на Пекін за "кризу в Україні"10.04.24, 16:41


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