
Scholz says Germany needs immigrants amid migration policy debate

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German Chancellor Olaf Scholz defended the government's migration policy in the Bundestag. He emphasized the need to attract skilled foreigners for the country's economic growth.

On Wednesday, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz defended his government's migration policy in the German parliament and emphasized the country's need to attract qualified foreigners, UNN reports citing DW.


"There is not a single country in the world with a shrinking working population that has experienced economic growth. This is the truth we are facing," Scholz said in the Bundestag.

Scholz's comments came after Germany's second round of high-level talks on migration policy ended without an agreement in Berlin on Tuesday. The opposition Christian Democrats (CDU/CSU) said they would not participate in further meetings with the three-party ruling coalition of the Social Democrats, Greens and Free Democrats.

Scholz emphasized the need to remain open to immigration in Germany while controlling arrivals.

"We are a country that provides protection to those who are politically persecuted, who are saving their lives, who should be saving their lives, and this is written in our constitution, and we do not put it up for discussion," Scholz said.

"Therefore, openness to the world is necessary. But openness to the world does not mean that anyone can come. We must be able to choose who comes to Germany. I am talking about this absolutely openly," the Chancellor added.

CDU leader Friedrich Merz on Wednesday rejected Scholz's proposals for further inter-party talks on migration policy, saying that the policy proposed by the government on Tuesday is completely inadequate to limit migration to the country. "That is why we are not entering into an endless cycle of negotiations with you," Merz said.


In recent weeks, Germany's mainstream politicians have been actively discussing the topic of migration after the deadly knife attack in Solingen, when the alleged attacker came from Syria and faced deportation before being stabbed, and the election success of the far-right populist party Alternative for Germany in Saxony and Thuringia.

Проросійські партії набрали 46,9% на місцевих виборах у Саксонії на сході Німеччини02.09.24, 10:14

Another election is scheduled for this month in the eastern state of Brandenburg, and federal elections are due next year.

Starting next Monday, Germany will introduce more systematic border checks for people arriving by bus, train or car from the neighboring Schengen countries of Belgium, France, Denmark, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.

Germany has already introduced similar control measures on its borders with Poland, the Czech Republic, and non-EU country Switzerland, and control measures have been in place on the border with Austria for much longer. According to the country's Ministry of Internal Affairs, these measures have since resulted in the refusal of more than 30,000 people.

Низка країн Шенгенської зони запровадили контроль на кордонах - Reuters10.09.24, 12:48

Julia Shramko

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