
russians use Kinburn Spit for artillery shelling of Ukraine and launching kamikaze drones - Humeniuk

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russian troops are using the Kinburn Spit to launch artillery strikes on Ukrainian territory, control the waters of the Dnipro-Bug Estuary, and obstruct shipping in Mykolaiv ports, terrorizing the area.

russian troops are using the Kinburn Spit to launch artillery strikes on the territory of Ukraine and control the waters of the Dnipro-Bug Estuary. Colonel Natalia Humeniuk, head of the Joint Coordination Press Center of the Southern Defense Forces of Ukraine, said this during a telethon, UNN reports .


When asked what is happening on the Kinburn Spit, Humeniuk said that russians continue to strike the opposite side of the Dnipro-Bug estuary. 

There (on the Kinburn Spit - ed.), the russians continue to strike at the opposite bank of the Dnipro-Bug Estuary. Although in most cases, the enemy is focused on the waters of the Dnipro-Bug estuary to prevent Mykolaiv ports from joining the navigation corridor. This is their top priority, they are trying to terrorize this area to prevent the development of this industry in Ukraine

- said Humeniuk


According to her, the russians also  use the Kinburn Spit as a platform for launching drones of various modifications. 

In addition, they occasionally launch FPV drones or "lancets" from there to hit populated areas. That is, the terror of the civilian population continues and the enemy's means are unchanged 

- summarized the head of the Joint Coordination Press Center of the Defense Forces of Southern Ukraine.

Гуменюк про "Онікси" на мисі Тарханкут: "Офіційно не підтверджуємо таку інформацію"04.04.24, 10:03


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