
Russians can't protect the Crimean Bridge from the sea, because there is nothing - Pletenchuk

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the Russians are unable to protect the Crimean Bridge from the sea due to a lack of ships, so they use old barges.

the Russians, trying to protect the Crimean Bridge, put old barges along, because they can not protect it from the sea because of the withdrawal of ships. The invaders are trying to compensate for the lack of ships at the expense of the air component. This was announced by the speaker of the Southern Defense Forces Dmitry Pletenchuk on the air of the telethon, reports UNN.

As for such structures, these are attempts to protect this extension illegally, protect it from drones, and protect it from missiles. Here it should be understood that the absence of a marine component, which should bear part of the security factor for this bridge from the water, it is absent, it does not exist. Earlier, we discussed the number of ships that guard it, and then for some reason suddenly stopped being there. Not because they stopped because there was no more danger, but because they couldn't. But we still need to somehow protect this object. That's why they invent such engineering structures. In addition, they compensate for this at the expense of the air component, because this is the only remaining component that still works in them,

Pletenchuk said.


In the occupied Crimea, Russian troops set up old barges along the Kerch Bridge. Thus, they are trying to protect the structure from Ukrainian sea dragons.

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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