
russians are forcing Ukrainians in the occupied territories to participate in fake "elections" and have launched a mandatory "flash mob" on social media

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The occupiers are forcing Ukrainians in the occupied territories to participate in fake "elections" through a mandatory "flash mob" where families have to post photos at polling stations.

The occupiers are forcing Ukrainians to participate in the "elections" in the temporarily occupied territories through a so-called "flash mob". This is reported by the Center of National Resistance, UNN reports.


In preparation for the "presidential elections" in the temporarily occupied territories, russians reportedly came up with a way to force Ukrainians to report on their visits to "polling stations"

The enemy has announced a flash mob "The whole family to the polls," in which participants are to post photos of their families at "polling stations" on social media. All employees of fake state institutions in the occupied Luhansk region have already been informed of their obligatory participation in the flash mob

- the statement said.

The Resistance notes that in this way, the russians plan to control attendance and hope to create an imitation of mass participation in the fake elections, which are being held for propaganda purposes. At the same time, the Resistance recommends that Ukrainians try to ignore the "elections" and avoid "polling stations.

"Вибори" на ТОТ: рф схвалила дострокове голосування для окупаційних військ 25.02.24, 07:00

Anastasia Ryabokon



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