
Russian X-101 missile crashed again in Kalmykia: what is known

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Fragments of an X-101 cruise missile with a warhead have been found in the steppe of Kalmykia, Russia. This is the second time such a missile has fallen in the region.

Fragments of a Russian X-101 cruise missile with a warhead have been found in the Republic of Kalmykia, Russia. There were no casualties, Astra reports, UNN writes. 


Reportedly, fragments of a missile with a warhead were found in the steppe a few kilometers from the village of Pervomaisky. 

It is noted that the X-101 cruise missile already fell in Kalmykia on February 1, 2023.

In early July, a 3M14 "Kalibr" cruise missile  fell in the steppe near the village of Solone . The explosion left a two-meter crater at the site of the explosion, and shrapnel was scattered around. According to Astra, the missile was malfunctioning. There was no damage or casualties.

Що відомо про суббоєприпаси, якими рф, ймовірно, почала оснащувати ракети Х-101 – відповідь експертів 20.06.24, 14:36

Tatiana Kraevskaya

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