
Russian shelling damaged three high-rise buildings and a hospital in Sumy region - police

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Russian troops damaged private homes, high-rise buildings, a hospital and a sawmill in Sumy region, firing 155 times over the past day.

Russian troops struck 155 times overnight in Sumy region, damaging more than a dozen private houses, three high-rise buildings, a hospital, and setting a fire at a sawmill, the Sumy regional police reported on Monday, UNN reported.


"Over the past day, the occupants fired at the settlements of Sumy region. A total of 155 attacks were registered. The shelling damaged 11 private houses, 3 high-rise buildings, 2 outbuildings, 2 garages, a hospital, a truck and a car, and a sawmill caught fire," the regional police said in a Telegram post.

Investigators opened criminal proceedings over these facts under Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine "Violation of the Laws and Customs of War".

Ворог вночі та вранці 5 разів обстріляв прикордоння Сумщини: було 15 вибухів 04.03.24, 08:49

Julia Shramko



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