
The Russians shelled a village in Donetsk region: three residential buildings were destroyed, another ten were damaged - State Emergency Service

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Russian occupants shelled the village of Oleksiyevo-Druzhkivka in Donetsk region, damaging houses and causing fires. The shelling killed two people and injured 11.

Russian invaders shelled the residents of Oleksiyevo-Druzhkivka village. This is Donetsk region. They hit residential buildings. This was reported by the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, UNN reports.

Donetsk region: rescuers eliminate the consequences of hostile shelling Today, the occupants struck at the residential sector of Oleksiyevo-Druzhkivka village.

- the SES reported.


According to the press service of the rescuers, three private houses were completely destroyed, and 10 more were damaged.

In addition, due to Russian shelling, fires broke out at the arrival site. The flames engulfed the destroyed building structures. Firefighters extinguished the fire.

Зрадники, які коригували обстріли по Харкову та Донеччині, проведуть за ґратами 8 та 10 років25.01.24, 17:33


In the morning, it was reported that the Russian military conducted 15 attacks on the civilian population of Donetsk region over the past day. At night, the enemy fired rockets at Oleksiyevo-Druzhkivka. As a result of the enemy attacks, two people were killed and 11 others were wounded. 

Tatiana Salganik



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