
Russia was accused of using its status in the UN Security Council to purchase missiles from the DPRK

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Seven members of the UN Security Council, including the United States, Britain, and France, accuse Russia of violating resolutions by purchasing missiles from the DPRK for use against Ukraine.

On Wednesday, January 10, seven members of the UN Security Council accused Russia of using its position as a permanent member of the Council by buying North Korean missiles and attacking Ukraine. This was reported by the press service of the US mission to the UN, UNN reports.


The statement by the United Kingdom, France, and the United States says that arms exports from the DPRK to Russia are in flagrant violation of numerous UN Security Council resolutions.

The export of arms from the DPRK to Russia is in flagrant violation of numerous UN Security Council resolutions prohibiting UN member states from purchasing arms or related materials from the DPRK... Each violation makes the world much more dangerous. And a permanent member of the Security Council who willingly goes along with these violations is clearly abusing his position,

- the statement said.

It is noted that, along with Ukraine, the statement was also supported by non-permanent members Japan, Malta, Slovenia and South Korea.

Moscow has not yet responded to this statement.


White House National Security Council Coordinator John Kirby said during a briefing on January 4 thatRussia is using North Korea's ballistic missiles.

ООН проситиме в донорів для підтримки України понад $3 млрд 11.01.24, 06:00

Olga Rozgon



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