
russia fired mortars, rockets and machine guns at 4 settlements in Sumy region

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At night, the terrorist country shelled 4 settlements in Sumy region with various types of weapons, including mortars, machine guns and long-range multiple launch rocket systems, but there were no civilian casualties.

During the night, russia shelled 4 communities in Sumy region. The attacks were made with various types of weapons, including mortars and machine guns. In addition, the occupiers used long-range multiple launch rocket systems. This is reported by the Sumy Regional Military Administration, UNN reports.


At night, the russian military fired four times at the border areas and settlements of Sumy region. The Khotyn, Velykopysarivska, Shalyhinska and Seredyno-Budska communities were shelled.

Seredyno-Budska community suffered from an enemy attack from multiple rocket launcher systems (4 explosions), Khotyn community - from mortar fire (4 explosions). In Shalyhyne community, shelling from a large-caliber machine gun was recorded, and Velykopysarivska community received three mines dropped by the Russian military.

In addition, at night, the enemy used long-range multiple rocket launchers in the Sumy region. According to preliminary reports, there were no civilian casualties.

Окупанти на Сумщині застосували далекобійні системи залпового вогню: без постраждалих05.05.24, 00:21

Julia Kotvitskaya



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