
russia fired 23 times in Sumy region during the day, 81 explosions were recorded

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The occupiers fired 23 times at the border areas and settlements of Sumy region, resulting in 81 explosions in different localities.

During the day, the terrorist state shelled Sumy region 23 times. As a result, 81 explosions were recorded in the region. This was reported by the Sumy Regional Military Administration, UNN reports.


During the day, russians fired 23 times at the border areas and settlements of Sumy region. 81 explosions were recorded. Krasnopilska, Bilopilska, Khotynska, Seredyno-Budska, Berezivska, Esmanska, Novoslobidska, Putivlska, Hlukhivska, Velykopysarivska communities were shelled

- Sumy Regional Military Administration.

Situation in the communities:

Krasnopilska: russians used artillery shelling (6 explosions).

Bilopilska: enemy forces fired from UAVs (1 explosion) and artillery (6 explosions).

Khotynske: the enemy carried out artillery (1 explosion) and mortar attacks (2 explosions).

Seredyno-Budska: the enemy used artillery (5 explosions), mortars (15 explosions) and attacked from UAVs  (3 explosions).

Berezivska: the terrorist army conducted an artillery attack (2 explosions).

Esmanska: the invaders fired from artillery (6 explosions).

Putivl'ske: the occupants were shooting from mortars (10 explosions).

Novoslobidska: enemy forces conducted a mortar attack (4 explosions).

Hlukhivska: the enemy dropped an explosive device from a UAV (1 explosion).

Velykopysarivska: russia launched a UAV strike (8 explosions), conducted mortar attacks (10 explosions) and dropped an explosive device (ED) from a UAV (1 explosion).

Армія рф уночі та вранці обстріляла Сумщину з артилерії та мінометів: 12 вибухів27.05.24, 11:05


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