
Ruslan Kravchenko: in 2023, law enforcement agencies of Kyiv region investigated 90 cases of misappropriation of budget funds during reconstruction

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Last year, law enforcement officers in Kyiv region investigated 90 cases of embezzlement of budget funds during the restoration of war-damaged infrastructure.

Last year, law enforcement agencies in the Kyiv region investigated 90 criminal proceedings on the facts of misappropriation of budget funds during the reconstruction of the region. This was reported by the head of the Kyiv Regional State Administration Ruslan Kravchenko on Facebook, UNN reports. 


Kravchenko noted that all reconstruction processes in Kyiv region should be transparent and accountable. According to him, the OVA is in constant communication with law enforcement agencies and promptly responds to every fact of possible abuse. They actively cooperate  within the framework of the Transparency and Accountability working group.

Last year, law enforcement agencies in the Kyiv region investigated 90 criminal proceedings on the misappropriation of budget funds during the reconstruction of infrastructure in the region. Both our appeals and information published by journalists are analyzed in detail

- wrote Kravchenko.

As an example, he said that the National Police in Kyiv region is conducting a pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings against officials of the Gostomel settlement military administration of the Bucha district. It was found that these individuals systematically misappropriated budget funds allocated for the restoration of residential properties damaged as a result of hostilities with the involvement of employees of a number of companies. This information was subsequently also covered by journalists.

In addition, the police  are investigating another proceeding under Part 4 of Article 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine based on a video by journalists on the fact of intentional misappropriation and embezzlement of local budget funds allocated for the restoration of civilian infrastructure by officials of local governments and private enterprises.

The quality and timeliness of the restoration of educational institutions by one of the companies is also the subject of law enforcement investigations. According to Kravchenko, the contractor is responsible for fulfilling 35 contracts totaling UAH 17 million. As a result of the investigation, four indictments are already in court.

Підприємство "Конкорд-22" зірвало поставку тисячі дронів для армії: очільник КОВА Руслан Кравченко звернувся до правоохоронців 12.12.23, 12:43

The head of the DIA said that based on the results of the work carried out, based on the conclusions of the first examinations, indictments have already been sent to the court against the former director of the contractor on the facts of seizure of other people's property by abuse of office, under martial law, forgery, namely the preparation and issuance of knowingly false official documents on construction work in a number of educational institutions (Part 4 of Article 191, Part 1 of Article 366 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

In particular, the restoration of the school in Krasylivka village (Brovary district), where the damage to the state is estimated at over UAH 191 thousand; Mokretsky educational complex (Brovary district) and Lyutizh school (Vyshgorod district).

An act was also sent to the court against a technical supervision inspector on the fact of official negligence during technical supervision of repairs in educational institutions of Brovary district (part 1 of Article 367 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

A total of 43 proceedings were investigated into abuses during the restoration of the property destroyed by Russian aggression. Out of these, 10 criminal proceedings were sent to court for a total amount of damages of over UAH 1.188 million. More than UAH 437 thousand have already been reimbursed voluntarily

- Kravchenko pointed out. 

For example, an indictment was filed with the court against the director of a contractor organization who unlawfully seized UAH 164,000 in budget funds allocated for the restoration of damaged residential properties. The damages caused to the Gostomel military settlement administration were reimbursed voluntarily.

Невідомі стежили за журналісткою на Київщині: розпочато кримінальне провадження 18.01.24, 17:10

Tatiana Kraevskaya

Crimes and emergencies


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