
Retrograde Saturn and Black Moon: forecast for all zodiac signs for June 24-30

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This week, Saturn's retrograde motion will lead to an increase in bureaucracy, and the Black Moon will bring temptations, trials and potential tensions in relationships and legal issues.

Retrograde Saturn will lead to increased bureaucracy, and the Black Moon will send us temptations and trials. What awaits representatives of all zodiac signs in the period from June 24 to June 30, especially for readers UNN was told by professional astrologer Ksenia Bazilenko.

This week, the Sun, Mercury and Venus will be in the sign of Cancer, which will give us the desire to see our family and friends, spend more time at home and do household chores.

"During the week, the harmonious aspect of the sextile between Venus and Mars will be preserved, which will create harmony and mutual understanding in personal relationships. It is also a wonderful period for all creative people," the astrologer said.

According to Bazilenko, there will be a harmonious aspect of the trigon between Venus and Saturn. It will also help us to harmonize our relations and make them more reliable. This aspect will help to put all household affairs in order, a good period for repairs and construction.

"Saturn will enter its retrograde motion this week and will remain in this position until mid-July. Saturn is the planet that is responsible in astrology for order and law, creates the structure of our society. This is our karmic Teacher. This planet in retro motion can create delays in matters related to construction, career growth, business development, and crop problems in agriculture, especially due to weather conditions. During this period, the bureaucracy will gain momentum. There may also be significant changes in legislation and changes in government. This applies to both Ukraine and other countries. During this period, we can think about more global things," the astrologer believes.

The black moon is a fictitious planet of our spiritual state, which speaks about the dark side of our soul.

"It defines our worries and fears, brings temptations and trials into our lives for our own development. This week, the Black Moon will change the zodiac sign: from the sign of Virgo it will move to the sign of Libra, where it will be for 9 months, until the end of March 2025," Bazilenko said.

In addition, the Libra sign is responsible for our partnership, therefore, tension may arise in couples, and in any relationship.

"This period will be a test of the strength of our relationship for all of us, we will feel each other's weaknesses and, most importantly, rely on harmony, love and respect. It must be remembered that partnerships also exist in business and in relations between countries, and therefore, during the year, many of them may collapse due to deceptions and great tension.

The sign of Libra in astrology is also a vivid indicator of justice and is associated with jurisprudence. The black Moon in this zodiac sign can lead to violations of laws and violation of justice. Everything will depend on the decency of each of us, on how we treat each other and comply with the laws. Take care of harmony, be fair and show respect and kindness to each other," the astrologer explained.


This week can bring you a lot of luck, as well as solving all household and family issues. There may be many guests in your house – your relatives. A good period for buying and selling real estate, renovation work.

You should spend the weekend in solitude and tranquility, otherwise you will not avoid conflicts.


This week will be quite harmonious. Great opportunities will open up before you. And most importantly, you will feel a state of inspiration and a desire to bring all your work to perfection. Interesting meetings, contacts, lots of communication and new acquaintances. It's a great time for those Taurus who need to take exams, who work in information areas, in commerce and in trade. You can also make a material profit.

Mutual understanding awaits you in personal relationships, and luck awaits you in love.


This week you will feel a good inner uplift and mutual understanding with others. It's a good time to increase your earnings, make a profit and expand your business. Now you can solve all the household issues, make large purchases in the house and put everything in order. You can also get a great promotion offer from your superiors.


This week you can feel an inner and emotional uplift. A huge number of possibilities will open up before you. The main thing is not to miss your chance. All your business will be able to move forward successfully. You can establish relationships with business partners and with your spouses. You will be able to understand more about your own desires. Allow me to devote more time to myself, my image and my hobbies.

On weekends, be careful with emotions, especially when communicating with your loved ones. Scandals and conflicts may await you here.


Now you have a good period both for promotion and in the business sphere, as well as for your own recreation. It is necessary to take care of yourself, your inner world, and have a good rest. Stay alone, gain strength, engage in self-development, the development of the spiritual sphere. Secret information may be revealed to you that will help you understand yourself and the current situation. Rely on your intuition.


This week you have good opportunities to promote previously started businesses and get like-minded people. You will be able to count on the support and help of your friends and environment. The ideas that will come to you this week can inspire you to new projects and open up new horizons for you. It's a good period for promotion. There will be too many emotions in the second half of the week – it is important to remain calm.


This week opens up significant opportunities for you – set big goals and achieve them boldly and confidently. You can expect career growth, improved relationships with your management, from which interesting offers will come for you. Also, you can expand your business, find investors to implement your ideas and, in principle, work hard and fruitfully, put things in order in the main affairs.

On weekends, be careful with your emotions and do not get into conflicts with your soulmate.


This week you will have great opportunities in training and in solving legal issues. It's a good time for those Scorpios who take exams and are engaged in admission. Also, communication with foreigners will bring you good luck. You can get long-awaited documents from abroad or a residence permit, passport. Trips and travels will bring you opportunities and pleasure.

In your personal affairs, you will also succeed, you can find your love, harmonize family relationships.


This week will be full of a variety of events for you and you will have to react very quickly. It is a good time to resolve all legal issues. Now you can successfully take out a loan or installment plan, find investors for important projects, as well as solve and successfully close issues with taxes and your debt obligations.

Great luck awaits you in your personal relationships.


This is a calm and harmonious period for you, when you can establish relationships with others, deal with legal issues that can be successfully resolved. You will be able to find interesting partners and companions for the development of your business. It is also a good time to harmonize family relationships and get support from them.

In love, you can have the most real passions.


This week, you have great opportunities and prospects in your work. You will be able to show your professionalism, show what you are capable of. You may receive interesting offers for a change of job or type of activity. This is a particularly interesting period for those Aquarians who work in medicine or in production. You can also clean up your household chores. It's a good time to buy and sell real estate.

Now it is good for you to take up the prevention of your health.


In the middle of this week, you will have a great emotional uplift, which will allow you to successfully deploy all types of your activities. The main thing is not to go against the generally accepted rules and guidelines. Throughout the week, you will have great opportunities for creativity, good rest and vivid impressions. You can build relationships with your children. Give them more time and care. There will be a lot of luck in personal relationships – you will be able to meet your love.

Lilia Podolyak



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