
Related to the" security forces " of occupied Luhansk: a group of hackers attacked the Defense Forces of Ukraine

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A group of hackers UAC-0020 (Vermin) associated with the "law enforcement agencies" of occupied Luhansk attacked the Ukrainian Defense Forces by sending malicious emails containing SPECTR malware.

A group of hackers UAC-0020 (Vermin), associated with the law enforcement agencies of occupied Luhansk, attacked the Defense Forces of Ukraine, reports UNN with reference to the State Special communications service.


The government's Computer Emergency Response Team CERT-UA, in cooperation with the cybersecurity center of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, detected and investigated the hostile activity of the UAC-0020 (Vermin) group against the Ukrainian Defense Forces.

What Happened:

- a group of hackers UAC-0020 (Vermin), associated with the law enforcement agencies of occupied Luhansk, attacked the Defense Forces of Ukraine;

- the malefactors sent out electronic lists of contributions to the viglyadi archiv "туррель.фоп.вовчок.гаг ", I have created a decoy file "Wowchok.pdf"; EXE-installer "sync.exe " that BAT file is "run_user.bat";

Хакери атакують українських військових та держслужбовців через Signal - Держспецзв’язку04.06.24, 21:33

- file " sync.the exe" contained both legitimate SyncThing components and SPECTR malware files;

- stolen information (documents, files, passwords) was sent to the attacker's computer using the standard Syncthing synchronization functionality.

російські хакери заявляють про кібератаку на сайт іспанської фірми, яка готує танки для України05.06.24, 15:54

Antonina Tumanova



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