
Reconnaissance men and artillery destroyed a Russian Buk missile system in the Zaporizhzhia sector

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Last week, a Ukrainian reconnaissance unit and artillery destroyed a Russian Buk anti-aircraft missile system in the Zaporizhzhia sector.

In the Zaporizhzhia sector, Ukrainian reconnaissance men together with artillery destroyed a Russian Buk missile system last week. How the enemy's equipment is detected and destroyed by the GUR was shown in a new video, which was also published by UNN

On March 28, 2024, soldiers  of the DIU's Kabul 9 special unit discovered a Russian Buk anti-aircraft missile system in the Zaporizhzhia sector of the frontline and fired at it with our artillery.  The enemy Buk air defense system has been destroyed!

 , the DIU said.


According to the published video, the Russians intended to hide their Buk in a forested area in the middle of the field, but a scout from the Kabul 9 special unit spotted the enemy SAM while planning the position and passed its coordinates to Ukrainian anti-aircraft gunners.

For reference

Buk is a self-propelled air defense missile system designed to combat maneuverable aerial targets such as cruise missiles, guided bombs, airplanes, helicopters, and UAVs.

It hits targets at low and medium altitudes - from 30 meters to 14-18 km.

It works even in conditions of intense radio jamming.

За тиждень рф завдала понад 3 тис. ударів по Запоріжжю: здебільшого била по об'єктах критичної інфраструктури - ОВА 02.04.24, 11:47


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