
Ready to "take further steps": the us warns china against strengthening russia

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The United States has warned China against assisting Russia in its war against Ukraine by providing materials for weapons production, and is ready to take further steps if necessary.

The United States has warned China against helping Russia in its war against Ukraine and said it is "ready to take further steps if necessary." This took place in Italy, where foreign ministers of the leading industrialized countries of the G7 group gathered to reaffirm their support for Ukraine's defense, UNN reports with reference to Voice of America.

"We believe that China is supporting Russia's military efforts and is doing so by helping to increase its defense production," Vedant Patel, the State Department's chief deputy spokesman, told reporters during a briefing in Washington.

"In particular," Patel noted, "China provides Russia with a significant amount of machine tools, microelectronics, optics, UAVs and cruise missile technology, as well as nitrocellulose, which Russia uses to produce fuel for weapons.

У G7 закликали Китай припинити надавати росії матеріали для розвитку виробництва 19.04.24, 19:33

He added that the United States believes that these materials "fill critical gaps in the Russian defense production cycle" and help revive Russia's defense industrial base.

"China's support is actively contributing to Russia's war in Ukraine, and this poses a significant threat to European security," he said. - "We have imposed sanctions on the relevant firms in China and are ready to take further steps if necessary.

США шукають новий спосіб дотримання санкцій щодо КНДР після того, як рф та Китай зірвали моніторингову діяльність19.04.24, 17:28

Later, Blinken will visit China, where he is expected to report on Washington's concerns about China's support for Russia's defense industrial base.

Beijing responded by rejecting, in the words of Chinese officials, Washington's "slander".

"China regulates the export of dual-use goods in accordance with laws and regulations. Relevant countries should not resort to slander or attack the normal relations between China and Russia and should not harm the legitimate rights and interests of China and Chinese companies," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said during the briefing.

Шольц після візиту до Китаю бачить "дуже важливий поштовх" для дипломатії по Україні - ЗМІ19.04.24, 16:56

Following Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov's visit to Beijing last week, Chinese officials said that China "will continue to support Russia in its development and revival under the leadership of President Vladimir Putin.

They also noted that the two nations "have committed themselves to a lasting friendship" and a deepened comprehensive strategic partnership.


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