
Rain, sleet and fog: forecast for the beginning of the week

 • 26573 переглядiв

Over the next three days, wet weather is expected in Ukraine, with ice on the roads and fog in the western regions, with temperatures ranging from 4°C to 12°C.

Light and moderate rains are expected in Ukraine in the coming days, with sleet and snow at night, ice on the roads, fog in the western regions, and temperatures ranging from 5° Celsius to 12° Celsius, the Ukrainian Weather Center told UNN.


According to weather forecasters, in the next two days, March 19-0, in Ukraine, on March 21 in the southern and central regions there will be light to moderate rains, at night in some places with sleet, and next night in the western regions mostly snow.

There is ice on the roads in the western regions.

At night and in the morning on March 19, there will be fog in Kirovohrad, Dnipro, Mykolaiv, Kherson, Zaporizhzhia regions and in Crimea, and on March 20-21, in the western and southern regions there will be fog in some places.

Southeast wind with a shift to northeast, 5-10 m/s.

Temperatures at night from 4° C to 2° C, during the day 3-9° C, in the southeast of the country, on March 21 in most regions 6-12° C; in the next day in the western regions 0-5° C at night, 1-6° C during the day.

Тепло, як у квітні: у Києві зафіксували новий температурний рекорд14.02.24, 12:23


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