
Rada extends term of registration of ownership of land shares for another 3 years

 • 14089 переглядiв

The Verkhovna Rada has extended the deadline for registration of ownership rights to land shares from 2025 to January 1, 2028.

The Verkhovna Rada adopted in the second reading a draft law providing for the extension of the deadline for registration of ownership of land shares from 2025 to January 1, 2028. This is reported by UNN with reference to people's deputy Yaroslav Zheleznyak and the card of the draft law No. 11150.

No. 11150-protection of the interests of land owners. In total-243

Zheleznyak said.

Under the current legislation, owners of unclaimed land Shares (Units) or their heirs who did not have time to register ownership of a land share must do so before January 1, 2025. People who do not do this will be considered those who refused to receive a land plot. Ownerless land will be transferred to the communal ownership of the territorial community where it is located.

The draft law proposes to extend from 2025 to January 1, 2028 the term of registration of unclaimed (unallocated) land plots, the distribution of land plots between the owners of land shares (units) and their heirs of land remaining in collective ownership after the distribution of land plots.


The relevant bill was supported in the first reading at the end of April.

Рада попередньо ухвалила законопроєкт про боротьбу з електронним шахрайством та "кол-центрами"22.05.24, 14:17


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