
Pollutants have reached a section of the Desna River in Chernihiv. The Ministry of Environment assures that the pollution is insignificant

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Pollutants have reached a section of the Desna River in Chernihiv. The Ministry of Environment reports that the contamination is insignificant, typical for this time of year, and does not threaten the drinking water supply.

Pollutants have reached a section of the Desna River in Chernihiv. The Ministry of Environment says that the pollution is insignificant, typical for this period of the year, UNN reports.

As of September 5, organic pollutants have reached a section of the Desna River in Chernihiv. According to the results of laboratory tests, water pollution is insignificant, typical for this period of the year 

- the statement said.

According to the agency, there is currently a change in the nature of the movement of pollutants along the Desna River - it is not a continuous mass, but moves along the deepest part of the river, in separate spots. The pollution settles to the bottom.

Ситуація з якістю води у річках Сейм та Десна контрольована, загрози питному водопостачанню немає - Міндовкілля29.08.24, 13:35

The Ministry of Environment also noted that over the past day, measures have been taken to saturate the surface water with oxygen in the Desna River near Chernihiv.

According to the State Water Resources Agency, no exceedances of chemical or highly toxic components have been found. The water on the approach to Chernihiv is muddy and darkening. The speed of pollution movement varies depending on the tortuosity of the riverbed.


In addition, the agency noted that according to monitoring data, the state of the Seim River in Sumy region has stabilized from the border with Russia to the village of Chaplichy, Sumy region 

"...there is a slight increase in dissolved oxygen in the water, no sharp unpleasant odor and the restoration of the natural color of the water. The level of chemical oxygen consumption has almost returned to normal. No fish pestilence has been recorded," the statement said.

The Ministry of Environment also emphasized that there is no threat to drinking water supply. After all, drinking water is not being taken from the Seim and Desna rivers in Chernihiv and Sumy regions. All local services are doing everything to ensure that the population is not affected.

Моніторинг Сейму та Десни продовжується, на Київщині забруднення не виявлено - Держекоінспекція02.09.24, 16:59

Antonina Tumanova



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