
"Parallels with Olenivka immediately emerged. We've been through this before" - Lubinets on the Kremlin's reaction to the downing of the IL-76

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The Kremlin's quick reaction to the downing of the IL-76 draws parallels with the incident in Olenivka, where Russian troops shelled a Ukrainian colony, Human Rights Commissioner Dmytro Lubinets said.

 The Kremlin's reaction to the crash of the Il-76 aircraft in the Belgorod region of Russia evokes parallels with Olenivka, where Russian troops deliberately shelled a colony with Ukrainian prisoners. This was stated by the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets during a telethon, UNN reports.

"In my opinion, the case when Russia planned an information campaign against Ukraine in advance is striking. I was very surprised by such a quick reaction from Russia. I immediately saw parallels with Olenivka. The same attempt to appeal to our strategic partners, to discredit military assistance in this way. I have deja vu, we've been through this before," Lubinets said.

According to him, the government's proposal to conduct an independent investigation is reasonable.

Lubinets also noted that today he plans to send relevant requests  to the UN and the ICRC.

 "A legal clear response from Ukraine will show that we do not violate the Geneva Conventions with prisoners of war and with all citizens who are on the territory of our state, even if they are Russians," Lubinets said.


Lubinets also saidthat Ukraine has not yet seen any signs that a large number of people were on the Russian Il-76 plane that crashed in the Belgorod region of Russia. 

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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